
Aneala Device The Rose & Unicorn

Setup from 5 pm
Hall opens at 6 pm
First remove served at 6:30 pm
Hall vacated by midnight
Inglewood Freemasons Hall
23 Carrington Street
Inglewood WA 6052
Adults: $30
Children 5 to 15 years: $15
Infants under 5: free
Non-members add $10 insurance fee

Bookings Close: 26 July
Leoflaeda AElfwynnesdohter 

Feeling disheartened by the mid-winter chill? Obliged to travel through the rain and sleet? Lift your spirits — and your tankards — with a spell in the welcoming warmth of Aneala’s finest hostelry. Enjoy a hearty, warming meal, song and merriment, contests of skill and games of chance. Doff your cloaks and quaff your drinks — we’ll be living it up at the Rose & Unicorn!

Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.

The following regular activities occur unless superseded by an event above

Baronial Events

  • Baronial Council Meeting: 3rd Friday of each month online on the Aneala Discord voice chat and in-person at a member's home from 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start (Contact the Seneschal to add items to the agenda or find out the in-person location.)
  • Combined training with Dragons Bay: 2nd Sunday of each month from 10 am. Spearwood Primary School, Gerald St, Spearwood. This includes Armoured and Rapier Combat, Archery and Arts and Sciences. There is no Lake Monger training on these days.
  • Archery: Sunday from 10 am. Lake Monger Primary School, Dodd St, Wembley. (Contact Archery Marshal).
  • Armoured Fighter Training: Sunday from 10 am. Lake Monger Primary School, Dodd St, Wembley. (Contact Armoured Marshal).
  • Rapier Fighter Training: Sunday from 10 am. Lake Monger Primary School, Dodd St, Wembley. (Contact Rapier Marshal).

Dragon's Bay
Please check the Dragon's Bay website for details


Other non-SCA events of interest

  • Music and Singing. For times and venues, contact Lady Isabel.
  • Scribes, Calligraphy and Illumination, Monday nights. Contact Dame Edith.

Event Booking Policy

  • Payment for all bookings must be made in advance of the event by the date advised in the booking confirmation email. If payment is not received by the due date, your booking will be cancelled. 
  • Payment may be made either online or at any Westpac bank branch.
  • Payment will not be accepted at the door except in exceptional circumstances and only by prior approval from the bookings officer and event steward.

Event Cancellation/Refund Policy

  • Cancellation can be made at any time up to the close of bookings, with a full refund provided for any event payment already made.
  • Cancellation after close of bookings will be accepted in the case of illness, with a refund provided. Please contact the booking officer ASAP prior to the event.
  • Refunds (full or partial) for any other reason are at the discretion of the event steward together with the seneschal and/or reeve and will be dependant on expenses incurred.